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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Announcement: HowTo for CMF and Localizer

From: Myroslav Opyr
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Announcement: HowTo for CMF and Localizer
Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2002 00:17:13 +0300
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Juan David Ibáñez Palomar wrote:

It will be possible to use Localizer as the back-end for the i18n
namespace of ZPT, Jean-Paul Smets already started to work on this

Ok. Plone + AltPT-i18n uses .po files from file-system (INSTANCE_HOME/i18n) for l10n. Will Localizer use ZODB-based message catalog? So it will be interchangable solution! If you can deal with filesystem you can use AltPT-i18n. In the case you want to have everything in ZODB you just import .po into Localizer' MessageCatalog and make it serve as AltPT i18n namespace handler?

Correct me if I'm wrong.


Myroslav Opyr wrote:

Chris Herrnberger wrote:

On September 5, 2002 04:29 pm, Myroslav Opyr wrote:

Hope I didn't messed everything up,

P.S. If you are interested in Plone i18n effort you can visit

No not at all, thanks for the information. I am on the list too just lurking however. Once a plone french is available I think I will do it like so to keep it simple
plone-fr     plone-en
The problem with this structure is that the user is limited to one instance for the duration of the session. I was hoping to use localizer to allow the user to switch between instances of en-fr but this would require extending localizer to where its has not been befor me thinks.

Ok. Now I'll give more details.

Plone has all translations of its interface compiled in .mo files in i18n folder. It have different translations there. In your case you need at least and To decide which language to use for displau of Plone UI there is Language Negotiator which picks up the target language from request/user_language and request/HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE. This will be improved later but it is in the way I've described right now.

For content you can use Localizer of course. Localizer has more sources for it's Negotiator (cookie, etc.).

You can make these Negotiators to work in sync or separately (for instance UI language to be per-user preference and content language contolled by application/portal logic).

I basically need to build a dual language CMF based site. Any suggestions would be most appreciated as this is first attempt at this..:)

So if you understood what I tried to explain, there is no problem to build dual-language Plone based CMS. Your task will be to develop dual-language content objects and make them play nicely with Plone Workflow.

Myroslav Opyr <> ° Ukrainian Zope Hosting
e-mail: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>

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