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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Communication ... again (was PHPDocs for h

From: Dave Hall
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Communication ... again (was PHPDocs for head)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 18:22:50 +1000

<snip />
> Think about it: from the outside this does not look like a real team; but
> like a bunch of people not trusting each other.

That's probably because I don't trust Kai.  Kai has a habit of running
his own race.  He did a similar thing committing a whole stack of "xhtml
fixes" to 16 when the target markup for 16 is html4.01, again without
any consultation before hand.

Kai (and atm others at probiz) have a habit of running their own races.
If the project was pbGroupWare that would be fine, we would have to live
with it.  It isn't pbGroupWare, the project will never be pbGroupWare,
so you need to work as part of the team, not run your own race.

There are many other people who make valuable contributions to the
project.  They consult before doing anything which may have an impact,
or run things by people.  Sometime it is on IRC, sometimes it is via
private email sometimes it is on the lists or even the phone.

Coimmunication is important, the lack of communication here is what has
got my back up.  I am not saying run each and everything by me, half the
time I don't care anyway.  What I am saying is send a message to the dev
list giving people a heads up, like you did with the phpdocs.  

I think a public discussion about the setup changes fips is proposing
should also be on this list, not via phone calls and private email.

It has been less than a week since I posted about the need for
communication on this list.

Either work (and communicate) as part of the team, not your own little
faction that thinks they can do what ever they want.


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd 
be a Microsoft?  Of course not.
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