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Re: Compiling problem

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Compiling problem
Date: 15 Feb 1999 10:27:26 -0800

>>>>> "SL" == Sorin Lerner <address@hidden> writes:

SL> 1) Why does it compile without a problem when I don't include the
SL> SwarmObject.h file?

SwarmObject.h includes defobj.h, which declares the function objc_get_class.
This function needs to be declared in order for class objects declared
with @class to be recognize. 

(@class is important so that we can conceal class structure, except
when absolutely necessary, but still allow objects to be creatable.)

In fact the presence of this declaration changes the behavior of the
compiler.  The flag -Wselector can be used to ensure that you always
get warnings about potential selector conflicts.

SL> 2) If Objective C only looks at the name of the method, then how
SL> come I can declare two object messages ('-' messages) of the same
SL> name in two different classes, and have the compiler disambiguate
SL> between them as long as I use a typed pointer to call the method?

It is important to distinguish between what the compiler knows and
what the runtime knows.  The compiler knows more, but the most you can
depend on for the proper functioning of your model is the information
encoded in the runtime.

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