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Re: Mapping float values to colors.

From: Fabio Mascelloni
Subject: Re: Mapping float values to colors.
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 15:31:04 +0200

"Marcus G. Daniels" wrote:
> I'll test your code with 2.0 (and 1.4.1) if you send me a
> self-contained example.  I can't guess what the problem is from the
> information you provided.

Thank you for your interest,but finally I've gived up this way
because,after having tried the solution provided by Ken (subclassing
Colormap and overriding colorIsSet: method) the Raster
had an awful aspect (big squares of different colours with no shades)
because of the small dimension of the matrix I've to display (8*8).I
also thought that I could set the 
Raster's size to 80*80 and then map each mean matrix's element to a
10*10 sub-raster,but the result isn't better (by the way ,why does the
raster gets updated only when i resize the window?).
Then I tried to use a Diffuse2d - taking example from RepeatingHeatBugs
-,this time binding colors to the sum of values and not to the mean,in
this way:

In the OberverSwarm I've built the Raster (dsplRaster) and a a
Value2dDisplay object:
  cDisplay = [Value2dDisplay createBegin: self];
//The colormap has been initialized as in "RepeatingHeatBugs"
  [cDisplay setDisplayWidget: dsplRaster colormap: initCmap];
// "handler" is the name of the ModelSwarm,"getSpace" returns the
Diffuse2d object
  [cDisplay setDiscrete2dToDisplay: [handler getSpace]];
  [cDisplay setDisplayMappingM: 512 C: 0];        
  cDisplay = [cDisplay createEnd];

In the modelSwarm I've put the Diffuse2d object:
  diffuseSpace=[Diffuse2d createBegin:[self getZone]];
        //Tipically: diffWidth==diffHeight==80
        [diffuseSpace setSizeX: diffWidth Y: diffHeight];
        [diffuseSpace setDiffusionConstant: diffuseConstant];
        [diffuseSpace setEvaporationRate: evaporationRate];
 diffuseSpace = [diffuseSpace createEnd];

 The ModelSwarm's schedule is:
        [handlActions createActionTo: diffuseSpace message:
        [handlActions createActionTo: self message: M(updateStructure)];
        [handlActions createActionTo: diffuseSpace message: M(updateLattice)];  


- updateStructure
        unsigned i,j,start_row=0,start_col=0;
        unsigned subrow,subcol;
        for (i=0;i<matrixDim;i++)
                for (j=0;j<matrixDim;j++)
                *(data_sum+matrixDim*i+j) +=[uniformUnsRand getUnsignedWithMin:0
                //Sets each 10*10 sub-area's color 
                for (subrow = start_row ; subrow < (start_row+10) ;
                  for (subcol = start_col ; subcol <(start_col+10) ; subcol++)  
                        [diffuseSpace putValue:*(data_sum+matrixDim*i+j) atX: 
subrow Y:
                     start_col +=10;
                return self;

while the ObserverSwarm schedule is:
[dsplActions createActionTo: self message: M(update)];
[dsplActions createActionTo: probeDisplayManager message: M(update)];
[dsplActions createActionTo: actionCache message: M(doTkEvents)];


- update
        [cDisplay display];
        [dsplRaster drawSelf];
        return self;

But this hasn't led to a result,too.The raster remains black and nothing
seems to happen.I can't really figure out what's missing though I've
tried to be as closer as possible to the graphical structure of

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