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Re: OK, lets get this to work!!

From: gerald . jean
Subject: Re: OK, lets get this to work!!
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 11:14:17 -0500

Hello Michael,

at Fabrice suggestion I reran you commands directly from the windows shell,
previously I ran them after and M-x shell from within Emacs.  And, miracle,
no more double prompt!!!  Here is the output:

Y:\>plink -l jeg002  -ssh actul01 && exit || exit
Using username "jeg002".
address@hidden's password:
Last login: Tue Nov 20 11:03:32 2012 from
address@hidden ~]$ exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' PS1="#$ " PS2=''
PS3='' /b
#$ PS1="#$ "

Hence, it seems to be a windows-emacs issue???

Thanks again for you help,

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             Michael Albinus                                           
   >                                                     A
             2012/11/20 09:18                                           cc
                                       Re: OK, lets get this to work!! 

address@hidden writes:

> Hello Michael,

Hi Gérald,

> Here is what I got running the commands you sent from an Emacs shell.
> c:\Emacs> plink -l jeg002  -ssh actul01 && exit || exit
>  plink -l jeg002  -ssh actul01 && exit || exit
> address@hidden's password:
> Last login: Tue Nov 20 09:00:37 2012 from
> address@hidden ~]$ exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' PS1="#$ " PS2=''
> PS3='' /bin/sh
> in/sh
> #$
> #$ PS1="#$ "
> PS1="#$ "
> #$
> #$ exit
> exit
> exit
> Using username "jeg002".
> Process shell finished

That's exactly what I have feared. The prompt appears twice, and Tramp
is confused. But this happens only after calling /bin/sh; your initial
prompt looks fine.

> When you say removing dot-files away do you mean ".emacs",
> etc???  There is a lot of them!!!

I mean all shell related init files, like .profile, .bash_profile etc. What
kind of shell is /bin/sh? Just a bourne shell, or linked to another shell?

And, btw, what OS is the remote host running? Could you show the output of

# uname -sr

> Thanks again,
> Gérald

Best regards, Michael.

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