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Re: [Adonthell-general] notes for adonthell-tools

From: Kai Sterker
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-general] notes for adonthell-tools
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 23:02:39 +0200

2011/7/11 shirish शिरीष <address@hidden>:

> Should I have :-
> a. ignored the message/warning that ./ spits out
> b. Do the copying of gettext.h anytime I make a new
> adonthell-tools-build directory.

Apart from pressing enter the one time it asks you, ignoring the
messages will do no harm.

There is not really much to do about the rough edges (at least not
without quite some effort). The problem is that the autotools (such as
aclocal, autoconf and automake) generate a number of files that should
not be kept in the repository, because they are generated and not
"source" files. When an official source release is built, these
generated files are included and all the roughness is concealed. When
building from the repository, the script already provides a
shortcut to executing all that is required to get to that "official",
ready-for-release, state.

> My mistake there. Just did it, it build fine.

Great :-).

> Now how do I use/test/see the tools. I do not really know what tools
> there are and how can one see them.

The tools do not get installed yet (with the exception of dlgedit), so
to see them, you'll have to run them from inside their respective
source directories:

src/dlgedit, src/modeller, src/mapedit.

Some additional information can be found on the Wiki:

Running the tools is very similar to running worldtest. Usually you
need the -g flag with the path to a data directory. And where you
would just specify the game for worldtest, you use -p <game> for the
tools. (think "project"). Then you can specifiy a file to open as the
editor starts, but you can also browse from the file menu once the
editor is running.

So, for example, to start mapedit to modify the wastesedge map, you'd
run from inside tools-build/src/mapedit

 ./mapedit -g ../../../ -p wastesedge ../../../wastesedge/redwyne-inn.xml

Oh, and be sure to take an update of wastesedge beforehand, otherwise
it will most likely crash.

For dlgedit, you'll find examples to look at in wastesedge/
scripts/dialogues/src/ and for modeller you'd want wastesedge/models
or wastesedge/models48 for the new-style graphics.

> I probably may bother you (or not) during wastesedge as well .

Right now that does not contain anything that needs to be built or
installed. All you can do is substitute "wastesedge" as the game
package when running worldtest, and you'll get a glimpse of the map,
although with outdated graphics. I believe you saw that already.


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