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Re: [glob2-devel] Universe Background, political correctness

From: Kai Antweiler
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Universe Background, political correctness
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 16:42:54 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) XEmacs/21.4 (Jumbo Shrimp, linux)

Emmanuel Eckard <address@hidden> writes:

> What are you exactly alluding to ?

I tried not to name the subjects, because the mailing list is archived.
I will comment some of my statements in case the were to cryptic.


Is a web-page were anybody writes what he thinks the backgroundstory
of globulation should be.  But that is not very obvious.  It looks
like a general accepted concept, except for a few minor issues.
There is a paragraph that deals with that immediately above Campain 1.
But it does not stand out against the rest.  I must have
overlooked it when I first read the page - so will other.

>> It is unnecessary.  It does not improve the ambience of the game to
>> make pun on names or connect real names with negative attitudes.

The real names I am referring to are the Georges Bush (plural) in Campain 1.
The pun is Donald Ramfield in Universe Proposal -- Historical background.

>> To use a pseudo-german name for a strange scientist does not go well
>> with me either.)

That is Stephan Richard Von Verschlossenefeld.
(This is a minor point though.  It just bothers me.)

>> If you want to criticize politics, religion or cultures there are
>> better ways to do this.  It does not have to be superimposed on a game
>> that naturally has nothing to do with it.

This is a very important but not specific point.
There are for example many forums and newsgroups in the net that deal
exactly with the topic someone might want to address right now.
So why put it on the web-page of a project that has nothing to do with
it?  This leads to the illusion that anyone in the project shares your
To exaggerate the point: imagine you are contributing code to an different
project for a few years and then stumble over a web-page belonging to it
that proclaims racism and genocide.

>> I just cannot see the connection between
>> a game with a kindergarten atmosphere and the sarcasm and negative
>> feelings I saw at some spots of that page.

Well that is something I just cannot understand.
If you want to: simply read the text and see if you feel the same way or not.  

Kai Antweiler

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