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[glob2-devel] changing glob2 cvs-repository to mercurial!

From: Kai Antweiler
Subject: [glob2-devel] changing glob2 cvs-repository to mercurial!
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 22:02:17 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4.20 (linux)


I wrote some of this in another thread.  Currently we use cvs to
manange our code.  Cvs lacks many features of modern version control
software.  Especially the handling of branches is bad.  But we need a
good support for this, since Bradley is planning to rewrite our
network code soon.

Therefore I suggest that we change our repository to mercurial
in the next weeks.
The everyday usage is simple:
The documentation is excellent:

I want to make the change as smooth as possible.
So, please try to install mercurial and report any problems that arise
in the next week.

As far as I know savannah does not support mercurial, but they
think about supporting this in the future.
But mercurial might work on savannah, since it only demands ssh,
python, a webserver and mercurial to run.
Here is a site that explains how to set up a central mercurial
repository on sourceforge - which doesn't support mercurial either:
Can some with the proper rights check, whether this would work on Savannah?

Alternatively we could put up a server on our own, or create a repository
on sourceforge.

I tried to import our cvs repository to a local mercurial repository.
I used "git-cvsimport" (git) and "convert-repo" (mercurial) to do this.
It worked fine, as far as I see.

Converting cvs to git took several hours.
Converting git to mercurial only seconds.
The initial checkout I tried over a local switch took only seconds,
and about 4 mb were transfered over the network to get the 12 mb archive.

git archive is 7.8 mb, mercurial 12 mb.

Everything worked fast, nice and clean.
Kai Antweiler

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