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RE: [rgui-dev] RE: Backend Debouch

From: Tom Sawyer
Subject: RE: [rgui-dev] RE: Backend Debouch
Date: 25 Aug 2002 05:29:14 -0600

On Sun, 2002-08-25 at 05:10, Curt Hibbs wrote:
> I will pass this back to Laurent... and I'm happy to hear of your SWT-like
> direction (I must have missed that post, or skimmed it too rapidly).

thanks, Curt.

here's a reiteration of that post. also just take a look at the wiki,
cause its a changing :-)


the consideration of native integration was again running threw my mind,
and of course the hope for that has been wxWindows. but i have received
no response on the development of the wxRuby bindings, and as i pointed
out my wxPython tests were a little sour. so it was looking bleak on
that end, but then it struck me: since GUtopIa is a "topend" that can
support multiple backends, why not go straight to the sources, so to
speak. which leads me to two important GUI's i left out yesterday:

 VRuby/SWin - this is th Windows only GUI api

 RubyCocoa - this is the Mac OS X only GUI api

now throw in Ruby/Gtk to that mix and you have your cross-platform
requirements met.

so i think your right, i'm picking one for now and going for it: Gtk.
but i would like it if i could find a couple of other developers to pick
up VRuby/SWin and Ruby/Cocoa as well.



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