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Re: [Human-beings-discuss] primary resources

From: dams
Subject: Re: [Human-beings-discuss] primary resources
Date: 17 Apr 2002 15:05:14 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

Guillaume Cottenceau <address@hidden> writes:

> dams <address@hidden> writes:
> > > I think your proposition is realistic but too boring for a
> > > player. It needs to be automatic to be playable.
> > 
> > I agree, and this concept can be fully automatic. The interresting point is
> > that the player will have to handle it, even if it's automatic. He could 
> > have
> > the choice between different way to refuel, organize its waypoints or choose
> > moving mode between fast and economic, and so on. It will be possible to do
> > blitz attack 3 times faster consuming 3 times more oil... IMHO every things
> This is theoretically a good idea, but imagine it in reality:
> each time you attack or get attacked, you will need to switch
> your units to "blitz" mode, then switch back... very boring,
> regarding user interface.

not if you can say that you are full power, no eceonomy in attack/defense mode

> > that can be automatic should be automatic, ie the player doesn't have to 
> > bring
> > its unit back to base to refuel. But he will be able to choose between
> > different modes.
> For the refuel, having to move back for a refuel is extremely
> boring. For example Bomber or Fighter unit in Civilization needs
> to go to a city or Carrier on a regular base, and I personally
> then didn't use these boring units. In automatic mode, it would
> be also very boring and not very interesting.

Ok, if you want, let's forget the refueling. I would keep the amunition
concept, with big units that produced their munitions from energy (like fuel,
and because we forget refueling, they don't need to refuel, nor to rearm). And
other unnits that cannot produce their amunitions, so they have to get back to

This brings new units (little fighter, fast, heavily armed but light armor),
though new war scheme, like guerillas, blitz...

And this prevent one section to destroy the whole map

> I prefer a lot the automatic approach like explained before, e.g.
> consume an amount of oil production. It simulates approximately
> the same thing but is much more usable.

ok, but I thought it would be very easy to equilibrat a party if the offenser
has to wait between battles, to refuel.

You can also have refuel specific units, that will transport fuel. You can then
have tactics to cut refueling instead of brute force. Then you might want to
protect your refuling line...

If you don't like that, I would suggest to keep at least this concept for
amunitions. some units produce their amunitions, other have to go to base or to
units able to produce/share/transport amunitions.

> > In the famous space opera game (I don't remember the name), the little
> > spacecrafts have to refuel, you can tell them to refuel at any time, but in
> > general, you choose the way they will automatically refuel.
> There is a refuel thingy in Battle-Isle or ASC (ASC is in
> contrib, it's a Battle-Isle like game), I don't know if I like it
> but it seems not so interesting; alos, it doesn't map well to the
> timecycle of the game (the fact that approx 3 seconds will map 1
> year in the game - this means a 5-hour game to go from 4000BC to
> 2000AD).

In this space opera game, it was very important, you had to have different
units to attack, because you know that at some time (automatically), some of
your unnts will be unavailable, because returning to the nearest refueling
unit. You could (on the defense side) sacrify some force to one enemy section
that will have to refuel, so won't be available for the next minutes

In this game in fact, there is only one ressources, and one type of energy.
When you are out of duel or energy, the unit seek home. If it has no fuel
anymore, it can seek home, but slowly. You can automate the refueling and
energy consumtion.

IMHO it brings cool war style, and prevent strange war system (one section
destroy everything). You have to conquier more globally, and you have to secure
the land you conquiered so that you can refuel, or you choose to send autonom
units (like second base, refueling, energy gathering...)

This system tend to equilibrate games where ne player is really stronger.

In the e.g. game, only the fighters are refueling dependant. The units
are basically many different flavors of fighters, big spacecraft (laser
spacecraft, destroyer, no refueling needed), and auxiliar units (repair,
refuel, transport, development... no refueling needed)

Please take time to think about it, a simple system of global energy refueling
for light units is for me necessary.

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