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Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

From: Joseph Rushton Wakeling
Subject: Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:12:21 +0200
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On 22/09/13 17:21, Phil Holmes wrote:
IMHO this is solving a problem that doesn't exist.  Using LilyDev (possibly in a
Virtual Machine) provides git and git-cl.  Git allows a developer to create a
patch with 2 commands: git commit and git format-patch.  That can be uploaded to
Rietveld with a single command (possibly 2 commands, depending on what you were
doing earlier).  When the review is passed, it can be pushed to staging with 4
simple commands; or mailed to -devel for any active developer without push
access - these are very rare.

How hard is that?

(1) If you need to install a VM or a custom distro flavour to hack on a project, your design setup is very likely to be wrong. If you really, really need contributors to use certain custom packages, you're almost certainly better off making custom package repos for the minimal set of dependencies.

(2) If your developers are working on maintaining a custom distro flavour, that's a maintenance burden that is very likely a distraction from useful work.

(3) If your developers all converge around a particular install setup, then you are missing out on important usability information from other platforms, and the risk is that users are failed because developers weren't aware of the needs and requirements in cases outside their own setup.

(4) If your submission process involves non-standard software tools that are custom written for the project, you're probably doing something wrong (and again creating a maintenance burden for your devs). A distributed VCS should be sufficient out of the box.

(5) In the specific case of git-cl, my own experience was that it was an absolute pain. Multiple (custom) commands to be typed; multiple _different_ issue numbers to be remembered (Google Code issue number, Riedveld number...), problems if they got mixed up ... and at the end of the day, it wasn't my patch that was applied -- the system rebased on a new patch using the email associated with my Google account, rather than simply applying the patch I'd submitted.

Compare that with GitHub: push patches to my own repo. Click on "Submit pull request." Type a brief description and click a button ... done.

I found the git-cl experience absolutely inexplicable given that at the time not only was GitHub offering the service it did, but similar experiences were available via Bitbucket, Launchpad and Gitorious.

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