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Re: macOS 4.4.0 DMG (beta2) ready for testing

From: sshah
Subject: Re: macOS 4.4.0 DMG (beta2) ready for testing
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 22:04:03 -0700 (MST)

Hi Andrew,

I am running iMac late 2011, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5.  

Mac OS 10.13.6.

Since the lates homebrew octave 4.4.0_2 runs fine and installs all packages
I use (control, signal, struct, parallel, quaternion), I assumed the problem
was the App bundle.  

All needed compilers and tools for Homebrew octave and the packages are the
most current versions on Homebrew.  

That said, why does the App die silently when I try to use the packages that
were installed for Homebrew version?  

If I  use setenv('F77','/usr/local/bin/gfortran') in the App and then
install control package, it installs fine and runs in the App.  

>>bode(ss(-1,1,1,0))  runs fine. 

However, my now my Homebrew octave crashes when I use that installed package
in it.  

octave:1> pkg list
Package Name  | Version | Installation directory
     control *|   3.1.0 | /Users/sugarcane/octave/control-3.1.0
    parallel *|   3.1.2 | /Users/sugarcane/octave/parallel-3.1.2
  quaternion *|   2.4.0 | /Users/sugarcane/octave/quaternion-2.4.0
      signal *|   1.4.0 | /Users/sugarcane/octave/signal-1.4.0
      struct *|  1.0.15 | /Users/sugarcane/octave/struct-1.0.15
octave:2> bode(ss(-1,1,1,0))
fatal: caught signal Abort trap: 6 -- stopping myself...
Abort trap: 6

So, the two installs, Homebrew and the App are not compatible on a given
machine. Only one can be installed and used currently.  I have to re-install
the package for  the Homebrew version when I need to use it.  There must be
some path setting in the App package so it uses a different location to
install and look for the packages. 

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