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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] My ISP

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] My ISP
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 17:56:07 +1100

Alex Borges <address@hidden> wrote:

> > >>
> > >> Oh yeah, you should be able to associate an email domain with 
> a group.
> > >
> > >I don't know what this means
> > Dave said,"This is not currently possible. The best way to deal 
> with it would be
> > to a seperate "phpgw domain" for each mail domain."
> > Managing it this way would be ok if you're talking tens of 
> domains but it could get
> > a little intense if you're talking hundreds.  This is just a 
> little ISP, just a few
> > hundred customers.  Maybe a couple of dozen domains.  This will 
> work for him as it
> > is now.

100s of domains in 1 phpgw install as groups?  That will be a lot more
work than 100s of domains each with their own phpgw install.  Also
address@hidden based logins get split at @ so you will have username
conflicts if you use a single domain for all users.

> > I know this is for another time.  I'm just trying to put a bug 
> in your ear for now.
> > >
> For an ISP that wants to host different phpgw installs, one phpgw 
> domainfor each client, one internet domain per client. Phpgw works 
> fine out of
> the box. Only one phpgw install will handle all of them (if the db box
> is big enough, it should even scale fairly fine).
> Now thats the trick, phpgw has this feature called phpgw domains. You
> can create domains (client deployments) through the header
> administration interface in setup. Then youll see a box in the login
> page that lets you choose domains. By default phpgw will map that 
> domainto the email domains and all. So this is definitivly the way 
> to go.

In the 16 branch now there is an option to mass update the apps in all
domains - and it only updates what needs updating.  <ad
type="paid">Thanks to and for sponsoring
this work </ad>

You could also use LDAP for auth - if the ISP aleady hosts mail for the
users, there is a good chance they are using LDAP auth for the mail, so
just add some objects/attributes and it should work with phpGW.

> One group per client (per hosted internet domain) is NOT a good 
> idea. It
> would mean one phpgw domain for all of them, so they would see all 
> usersin the calendar and stuff....bad idea.

Yep - that is why I suggested domains + LDAP :)

I could rant on for ages as to why I think you should use seperate
domains per hosted domain - but I think I have said enough for now :)



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