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Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: SPAM on the mailing-list

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: SPAM on the mailing-list
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:34:53 +0200

> Mailman seems to have been recently reinstalled (or something like
> this) after the fencepost compromission. Now, on every mailing-list
> archives, complete email adresses of posters are shown, despite the
> fact that mailing-list admins set the privacy options to hide those
> emails.

Mailman was reinstalled -- configuration files remain the same as they
were prior to the reinstall.  I'll have to look into the archives
issue.  Can you tell me an example list where the settings were

In fact, I'm not completely sure that this email-hiding stuff was working correctly before. I think it was the case but I don't remember very well how it was.

In fact, the setting seems not to be changed but while the privacy option "hide email address" is activated, we can get full email adresses by reading each archive files. For example, the archives of July of savannah-hackers.

Anyway, in any case the email address shouldn't be showned as it exist (but modifyed, for example rao .AT. gnu .DOT. org - in a way that does not help robots to fetch it) . This shouldn't be an option for mailling-list admin since every user that write to a mailing-list should have the garanty that everything possible to avoid spam is done.


Mathieu Roy (GPG Key)

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