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Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: SPAM on the mailing-list

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: SPAM on the mailing-list
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 14:27:26 +0200

There's no way that we can prevent people from doing this.  If someone
is on a public mailing list, and they receive an email, they can do
whatever they want with that email message.


> is really a good url for the ones that use
> automated-spam softwares.

Yes, and as long as you have an address, you'll be protected
for various reasons (after the anti-spam server goes online) and
shouldn't have to worry about the spambots.  If you don't have an address, emails from the bots obviously won't pass through
our anti-spam server, so in the end, we'll probably have to do some
sort of name mangling.

And there are many mailing-list hosted by users that doesn't have such email address, no ?

 > > Modifying email address will maybe not resolve all problems, but I
> do not think it's useless. And since it's not complicated to provide
> this feature -it seems to be a mailman feature-, I think we should.

A real solution (for all mailing lists everywhere and all mail
archives) is to use TMDA for sending outgoing mail, and use a dated or
sender address <URL:>

Well, I'm not convinced.
When I send a mail to a mailing-list, I do not want write with a temporary email address since it's possible that someone by reading this mailing archive a month later would like to get in touch with me. And it should be possible with ease.

But without getting through personnal consideration, it's better to provide a mailing-list service with all security possible than to tell to people to get protected by themselves, no ?

Mathieu Roy (GPG Key)

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