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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Help with New Example

From: Joel Sherrill
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Help with New Example
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 16:42:24 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090320)

Knut Schwichtenberg wrote:

I tried your example and currently I don't understand your example. And
therefore please explain the details.
Using 0x20 / 0x21 means PINF and PINE as IO - you can't use these addresses on a
M128 without a look to the HW-manual.

I was trying to copy the stdiodemo to get the UART connected
to the UI port.  But still use a "magic" port to write debug output.
I guess I need to switch the magic port to a reserved address.
The real app (see below) uses two serial ports.

My AVR ignorance is showing. Sorry.
Also "-d" is not interpreted as expected :-((. The X-Windows catches the
command-line and removes "-d" as displaynumber. "-D" works if changed.

-d to what program? I thought simulavr.tcl was handling it ok.
What is the difference between your example and the stdio-example? The main
difference I see is the use of the debug channels. And they do not work as
expected :-)).

Right now, not much.  When finished it will show how to write
a program which provides feedback to the program running on the
simulated AVR.  In my case, the UART really connects to a PC and
there is a custom serial protocol.  I will be writing code which talks
that custom protocol to exercise and debug the AVR program.

I want to configure simulavr to match the user's board and then
drive all inputs in a way that pushes their application.
Please explain by writing your design goals.

The design goal is to use the UI interface to not have a GUI
but to interact with the AVR program.  Having a GUI to interact
with is nice but I am trying to figure out the basics of how to
interact via the "ui port" so I can build a test facility that is
aware of the application running and drives it.  It will eventually
be scripted and allow regression testing of the application.

I want to develop as much as possible of this in a generic
reusable fashion so other users benefit.  No one wants code
for our custom application but I hope the framework will be useful.

Does that make more sense?


Joel Sherrill schrieb:

My ultimate goal is to be able to test
an application running on simulavr.  I
want to pretend to be the devices it is
attached to and exercise the application
as on real hardware.  In this light, I have
added "examples/feedback".
The goal will be to demonstrate that you
can programmatically interact with the UARTS,
analogs and discrete IO.

But at this point I don't seem to be able to
get the UART data I am transmitting to show up
in the "simfeedback.tcl" program.  It is getting
events but the data is printed as 0.  I am sure
it is my ignorance of the Net connection scheme.

Some help and advice would definitely be appreciated.
All code is in CVS.


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