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Re: [Audio-video]

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: [Audio-video]
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:47:08 -0400

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

    I would like to go on discussion about some points that I don't 
    understand yet well. In particular, to explain why, for me, 
    accessibility isn't a functionality. Because a functionality is a task 
    that can do a program (or not do). In this meaning, as you mentioned,  
    the capacity to vocalize the screen is a functionality.

Everything that a program can do, that some person wants it to do, is
a functionality.

But there is no point arguing about the meaning of "functionality",
because all that does is distort the meaning of what I said.  In
effect, you are trying to block clear communication between us.

Even if an argument could prove that the word "functionality"
should mean something different, it would not change my position.  I
would just state it with some other word.

    And if it doesn't seem a disaster, it can become one in some 
    circumstances. 1st, when French State chooses LibreOffice and refuses to 
    use another thing, it prevents many people to work for it due to 
    inaccessibility of the suite.

Much worse things can happen.  For instance, if the French State
chooses Microsoft Office, it subjects all the employees to Microsoft's
power, destroys the computational sovereignty of France, and directs
the whole country towards nonfree software.

We will campaign with all our efforts for France to use LibreOffice
or some other available free program.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
  Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call.

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