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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tla changes --diffs question

From: John A Meinel
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tla changes --diffs question
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 08:59:00 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (Windows/20041103)

address@hidden wrote:
Hi John and thanks for the reply,

I am using dirnames version. For my tasks I find its speed very good and need nothing faster.

I will try to switch to ver 1.2 and see how it behaves. The big question is if I can just pick binaries for ver 1.2 for cygwin and overwrite the 1.2.1 binaries and have all work ok with my existing archives ... what do you think ?

Second question : are there any known bugs in tla/cygwin 1.2 that I should be aware ? Looks like you are very familiar with the state of the cygwin port.
Kind Regards,

Well, I do use it every day, usually many times. :)

Personally, I keep a bunch of tla directories. My /usr/share looks like this:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 jfmeinel None           11 Oct 18 20:47 tla -> tla-dirname/
drwxr-xr-x    4 jfmeinel None            0 Oct 18 20:32 tla-1.2.1-dirnames/
drwxr-xr-x    4 jfmeinel None            0 Oct 18 20:33 tla-1.2.1-dos83/
drwxr-xr-x    4 jfmeinel None            0 Jul  2 10:31 tla-dirname/
drwxr-xr-x    4 jfmeinel None            0 Jul  2 10:29 tla-dos/
drwxr-xr-x    4 jfmeinel None            0 Apr  3  2004 tla-old/

I usually untar the files into a different directory (other than /) and then move them to something specific to their version, and then use a symlink to get the right directory.

So far I haven't had a problem with this setup (it finds the correct executables, etc.)

As far as bugs, in general tla-cygwin-dirname-1.2 is stable for me. It is a little slow, but I'm using projects that have 1000s of files. I don't think it supports spaces in filenames, that is a 1.2.1 thing. So the general bugs/lack of features for 1.2 versus whatever the latest version of tla still applies.

There have been times in the past where it would not unpack the names correctly, but I'm pretty sure it works for now.

Just as a safety thing, I might recommend that you keep the names of your categories and branches a little short. I think we try to keep category--branch to under 30 characters. However, when I tried to abuse it with an old extra long category name, it seemed to work just fine.

This used to fail every now and then:
tla get address@hidden/experimental-marching-cubes-thomas-lewiner--dev--0.1

But now it seems to work fine.

Good luck,

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