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Re: [be] multiple font support for notes

From: Brian Wilson
Subject: Re: [be] multiple font support for notes
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 12:13:30 +0700


Thank you very much. I have my homework cut out and will work on this now...

Yes, I have revealed my ignorance by speaking. But thank you for pointing this out to me. No I am not a programmer. By "programs" I mean, 3 text editors, 3 word processors, 4 browsers, Indesign, mindmap, terminal, evernote.

Well, I see now that gnucash on my mac does not like Thai. Unable to enter Thai in gnucash, but haven't looked at the settings.

I change keyboards on my mac by either using the keyboard combination "shift - spacebar" or by clicking on the keyboard icon at the top of the page. I have Thai, Lao and Greek keyboard's installed on the mac, but no matter which keyboard I choose, all I get is English in Bible edit. I get the language of choice in "all my other programs" except for gnucash which doesn't give me anything (it types one square box and then does not advance the curser.)

I am able to type in Thai and Khmer, haven't verified all key combinations, but it looks good. Lao looks good even with the key combinations that don't render properly on linux/mac. (see below). Had an issue with trying to restore my backup file on the windows installation of bibledit. Bibledit did not recognize my tarball. I then unzipped it on the mac and compressed it into a zip file. Pointed to it but got the following error message,  "The file to restore does not contain valid data." I made a test project.

Selecting keyboards works. I can type in Thai and Lao. (There is an issue as to 2-3 key combinations that the Lao is not rendering properly, but this is a separate issue.)

So, confirmation that it is only a mac problem. Now how do we fix it? I am willing to install applications via macports to test. Please give me a list to install and I will test them.

Thank you so much for your help and guidance. 


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Jonathan Marsden <address@hidden> wrote:
On 03/22/2011 07:35 PM, Brian Wilson wrote:

> Thank you for your help. I am contacting the macports people. But I
> am still confused. Does that mean I need to contact the linux core
> people and someone working for microsoft as well?

Only if there are definitely issues in Linux and Windows
change-of-keyboard handling.  So far you seem to have described one in
OS X change-of-keyboard handling.  Have you verified that it exists in
Windows and Linux too, on non-Apple hardware?

> I really do not understand why all of my programs can "know" that I
> have changed keyboard, but bibledit doesn't.

Bibledit may well be using different libraries that call different OS
routines for receiving keyboard input.

How many of "my programs" that you tested use macports?  If you are not
a programmer "my programs" is a bit unclear, since it can't mean "all
the programs I have written", and you cannot possibly have tested this
with every program on your machine (that would be thousands of programs)!

Could you list a few open source portable programs from among "my
programs" which you have tested, so that others can replicate your testing?

> Somehow bibledit needs to link to an already available service. (It
> must be already available for all of the other programs to do it
> successfully.)

Available to C++ programs using macports?  How do you know this?  How,
specifically, did you test it?  See above.

> BTW which programming language is bibledit written in?


> If I hear from the macports people I will post here. Hopefully as
> this glitch is worked out it will make bibledit even more useful and
> available to a wider audience. Who should I contact for Linux and
> Windows?

Before contacting anyone, please could you provide clear detailed step
by step instructions for duplicating this issue on Linux and on Windows?
 I suggest that when writing these instructions, you:

(1) Assume the person following your instructions is slightly less
knowledgeable than you are yourself, both about bibledit and about the
nuances of different keyboard layouts.

(2) Assume they do not have any special hardware at all, just a boring
normal desktop PC.

(3) Assume they do not know how to "change keyboard", so you will need
to describe very carefully exactly how they will install whatever
software is needed to handle (multiple locales and) multiple keyboard
layouts and then switch between them at runtime.

If the issue is easily duplicated on all three OSes, it will probably be
far easier to diagnose than if it is OS X only, since many people,
including some developers, do not have access to Apple hardware for testing.

Given clear instructions on how to reproduce this issue, I will probably
test this out under Linux, but without such instructions, I cannot help.



Brian Wilson

Do you want to have a really good year? Connect the dots between Psalm 37:4 and Isaiah 58:13-14.

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