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Re: [glob2-devel] gameplay ideas

From: Gabriel Walt
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] gameplay ideas
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:39:05 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.7.2

> 1. Although it rarely happens, being able to create 10 level4 schools
> and win the game by prestige points is rather stupid, if that's the way
> it really works. It should be done some other way.

Yeah, prestige sounds a very artificial way to win the game. But it is (was) 
useful in games where both players made so many defenses that no one is able 
to break through the defenses and win. That's also why prestige is hard to 
reach in common situations.

The problem is that such blocking situations don't happen any more since 
level4 schools upgrade also the explorers so that they can attack the ground 
buildings. The time you need to reach the 10 level4 schools (to reach the max 
prestige) is so big that during this time you have produced a good quantity 
of explorers. So before you've reached the max prestige it's very probable 
that your explorers destroyed all the enemies' buildings without even 
realizing it!!

Explorers are much too powerful, or there are way too few ways to defend 
against them! The defending player can only successfully defend against 
level4 explorers if he has a bigger number of explorers before they start 
attacking! Which is very very improbable...

> 2. level4 towers should be able to kill explorers if explorers can
> attack ground, otherwise it's really unfair. It's a good strategy, but
> the mere factor that the explorer attacks everything within a radius and
> is hard to keep track of and kill makes the game rather lobsided once it
> gets to that point.

Right. Maybe already level3 towers...

> 3. my own idea, having the ability to make units commit suicide would be
> nice. Sometimes I find I have too many workers towards the end of the
> game with rather limited resources and don't want to waste them feeding
> the uneeded guys.

I'd love that too... I already suggested it several times. But Nct thinks that 
globs have the right to live too, that players shouldn't harm them... ^_^

> 4. food for thought, what about a seperate school for explorers to
> upgrade their air speed?

I already know what Nct would say:
"Yes why not, if somebody makes cool images for that new building!"

Thanks for the feature suggestions :)


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